I once heard it said that " Color photography captures peoples clothes while black and white captures peoples souls."~The History Of Photography~Photography has always been one of my hobbies. That is why I have decided to do my curriculum project on photography. This page will give you some insight on what photography is, how it came to be, who has influenced it, and how you can do it on your own.
Before there was TV, Video, and Radio there was photography.Photography has been a part of history since the ninteen fortys and is stil used today.
Over the years there have been thousands of photographers, below you can check out some of historys first. *Pioneer Photographers*
~Photographers~History is full of people who influenced the art of photography, below are some well known photographers. Each photographer has his/her own style of what a photograph is. This list will let you compare many different styles and techniques. *Luis Carroll and Alice Liddell* *Edward Sheriff Curtis* *George Hurrell* *Darius Kinsey* *Tina Modotti*Because there are so many different styles and you may not yet be aware how to decipher between differet styles I have included to following site to assist you.
Searching the net has led me to find many facinating pictures. I have collected a select amount that I find particularly interesting. This small gallery contains the work of some of the best internet photographers out there. *MY INTERNET GALLERY*
~CAMERAS~If you are trying to get into photography you need three bacic things a camera, film and a dark room. Just like anything there are certan brands and styles of each of these three things that when used propperly can turn anyone into a great photpgrapher. The first thing you need is a camera. "The big five" is commonly herd amung photographers and is short for the top five brands of cameras. They are known to the rest of the world as..... Cameras are one of the most facinating inventions known to man. When I found out how a camera workes I was amaized. Listed below is a sight that tells how a camera works, I hope you find it as fasinating as I do. *How A Camera Works* ~FILM~While most of the world buys there film at the suppermarket, if you are a serios photographer you will notice that that gets very expencive. Another way to go about this problem is to buy your fil in bulk and load it into carterages youself. this can save hundereds of dollars a year. If you are interested in trying this I found this sight that can help.*Buying in Bulk* ~DARKROOMS~